March 13, 2019
Tips For Selecting Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture is just as important as your writing, if not more so. This is your first impression. Most of your clients will be people you never get to see face to face. Your profile picture is how they know you. What do you want that picture to say? Did you even realize it […]

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March 13, 2019
Should I Be A Freelance Writer? 7 Ways To Tell

The appeal of a flexible schedule, being your own boss, and working from home make freelance writing seem like a dream job. Well, it can be. It can be a career, a business, but it’s not for everybody. Being a successful freelance writer takes hard work and in the beginning, life is really hard. Just […]

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March 13, 2019
How To Improve Your Upwork Job Score

Only accept jobs you know you can complete on time. Be realistic in the projects that you pick and make sure that you can deliver what the client wants. It is tempting to take on multiple gigs, even those that are unfamiliar, but this is a disservice to yourself. Only accepting jobs that you can […]

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March 13, 2019
How To Handle Difficult Clients

Most clients are easy as pie, but you will run into a difficult client, though rarely. This is just part of the business world. However, even difficult clients can be worked with, you just have to have the right tools. Below are some tricks to handling difficult clients: Be specific and keep track. Make sure […]

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March 13, 2019
Back to the Basics: Why Blogging is Important for Freelancers

Blogging may seem like a daunting, unpaid chore, but it shouldn’t feel like that…..and it doesn’t have to be dreadful. It can be rewarding both spiritually and monetarily. Some argue that it is unnecessary to have a blog, in order to land well-paying gigs. Well, that maybe true for some, but for many it is […]

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March 13, 2019
6 Time Management Tips For Freelancers

It is so easy to get distracted as a freelance writer. Free days just seem so temptingly easy to take. There are days when it is very hard to get motivated to work, especially when you are writing for somebody else. Overcome wasting time by being proactive and learning to schedule properly. Time management is […]

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March 13, 2019
5 Great Places For Finding Freelance Writing Jobs

The freelance industry can go through waves of feast and famine. Just like other things in life, it seems like it doesn’t rain in forever, and then, when it does, it pours. It is important to prepare for moments of drought. In order to maintain a successful freelance career, you need plenty of resources. Configured […]

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